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                                                                            Environmental policy  


Protection of the Biosphere

We will minimize and strive to eliminate the release of any pollutants that may cause environmental damage.


We will safeguard habitats and will minimize contribution to the ‘greenhouse’ effect, depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain and smog.


Sustainable Resources

We will make use of renewable, natural resources. We will conserve natural, nonrenewable resources through efficient and careful planning.


We will maximize protection to wildlife habitats.


Reduction and Disposal of Waste

We will minimize the creation of waste, especially hazardous waste and wherever possible recycle materials. We will dispose of all wastes through safe and responsible methods.


Energy Use

We will make every effort to use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources. We will invest in improved energy efficiency and conservation in our operations.


Risk Reduction

We will minimize the environmental, health and safety risks to our employees and to the public.


Marketing Safe Services

We will sell services which minimize adverse environmental impact.



We will disclose to our employees and to the public, incidents in relation to our operations that cause environmental harm or safety hazards.


Environmental Management

We will commit management resources to this policy.


Assessment and annual audit

We will conduct an annual self-evaluation of our progress in implementing the above policy




The company will actively seek and support its clients’ environmental aspirations and will incorporate relevant elements into each Site Specific Environment Plan.


The company wish to provide a strong environmental awareness through its policy and plans and will ensure that staff comply with the following basic framework.


Company Standards

The company is BASIS Registered to advice on Amenity Plant Protection


Protected Habitats

The company is aware of the importance of protected sites – RAMSAR, SSI, etc and works with owners and managers to protect wildlife and enhance the environment with particular attention to bird nesting periods and sites, watercourses, bogs and streams.




  • Waste paper, metals and plastics are collected regularly for recycling

  • All machinery and vehicles are serviced regularly to ensure minimum  

       Emission levels

  • In accordance with Local Agenda 21 we design transport routes to  

       Minimize the Miles travelled and to ensure fuel economy and reduce  


  • We employ local labour on our contracts so as to minimize staff travel to  

       Work as well as supporting the local economy

  • Green waste from our sites is taken to our recycling facility which can be

       Viewed by our clients. We re-use chipped waste as mulch and compost.

  • We offer a service to clients by collecting residents’ Christmas trees for  

       Chipping and Composting/mulch.

  • We use organic, renewable resources for fertilizing grass areas and

       Shrub beds

  • Fungicides, pesticides and herbicides are kept to the minimum usage.   

  • All other options are considered before the use of chemical weed control  

       Such as hoeing and forking out grass and shrub beds, more frequent

       Brushing of footpaths and roadways, to reduce weed germination.

  • When chemicals are used, they are disposed of by an approved chemical  


  • If LPG or other ‘green’ fuels are available locally within the contract  

  • area, Vehicles using these fuels will be our preferred choice.


Green Purchasing


  • Wherever possible we use environmentally friendly lubricants 

  • Only softwoods are used, unless specified by client. All timber is treated and guaranteed for 25 years.

  • All timber is obtained from managed sustainable forests.

  • Machinery is updated as early as possible so That developments in higher standards of emissions can be introduced.

  • Wherever possible recycled materials are purchased we purchase non-peat products for compost and Mulch.


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